Headache 9-1-1

Headache 9-1-1

Most people suffer from headaches at one time or another. Some even have the unfortunate distinction of having chronic head pain. Typically these headaches result from muscular and joint problems in the head and neck, or the onset of chemical or electrical changes within the brain itself. Yet not every headache has an “innocent” origin. Some head pain episodes need to send up a red flag in your mind and be treated as a downright emergency! The information below has the potential of one day saving your life—or the life of a loved one.



  1. You are experiencing “the worse headache you’ve ever had”.
  2. Sudden onset of pain (peak intensity within seconds to minutes).
  3. You are > 55 years old.
  4. Headache is associated with a stiff neck or high fever.
  5. No prior history of headaches, first one occurring later in life.
  6. Head pain persists longer than three days.
  7. Pain is accompanied by other neurological changes: double vision, slurring of speech, loss of sensation or weakness, wobbly gait (walking).
  8. Altered mental state accompanies head pain.

The underlying causes for emergency headaches can be brain tumors or brain aneurysms (bulging/rupture of a blood vessel’s walls)—serious stuff! Rest assured, less than one percent of all severe headaches require emergency treatment. So chances are quite remote that you will ever encounter this sort of thing. But if, in fact, you do find yourself faced with such a headache, you’ll be thankful to have gained this knowledge which will hopefully enable you or your loved one to avert a tragedy.

[1] Excerpted from my book, Overcoming Headaches and Migraines, Harvest House Publishers, 2008.

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