Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Last year my husband and I had the merriest LITTLE Christmas ever—thank you, COVID-19!

Only our daughter came home to be with us, and with much trepidation on her part as she was working the front lines of the pandemic as an (unvaccinated, at the time) Emergency Medicine physician. We just didn’t feel comfortable going to relatives or friends’ homes, or having them in our home. So SMALL it was.

I shouldn’t have been too surprised. Back in January of that same year I asked the Lord for a theme word for 2020. He replied, “SMALL.” Not quite the inspirational word I was hoping for. But, as things turned out, it was well-apportioned!

This Christmas will be a bit larger, but still not up at full throttle—thank you Delta variant!

But here’s what I know to be true:

The Merry part of Christmas is within my heart, where the Holy Spirit has taken up residence. My joy each Christmas comes from celebrating my Savior’s birth. So, regardless of how many people I gather with to exchange gifts in memory of the gifts my Jesus received as a child, or sing along side of in honor of His Name (zero, BTW, in 2020 as we stayed away from large gatherings), my rejoicing over the greatest gifts I’ve ever received—a pardon from my sin and eternal life—will always be BIG!!!

I do wish this same celebratory spirit for you, my faithful partner, as we strive together to Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake. And I pray:

 The Lord would bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face would shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Have a Merry BIG Christmas!
