5 Telltale Signs of Dehydration

5 Telltale Signs of Dehydration

Well, summer is upon us, and boy, has it been a hot one for most of the nation! Along with all that heat can come a whole lot of perspiration. If you don’t purposefully keep hydrated you can quickly become “dried out,” or de-hydrated.

Adequate, daily fluid intake is important for healthy heart, brain and muscle function. Also, the digestive system requires ample fluids to keep things moving along, if you know what I mean. While drinking is the best and quickest way to rehydrate, eating juicy fruits and veggies is a wonderful supplement to your overall fluid intake.

So, how do you know if your fluids need to be topped off—besides the developing dryness in your mouth (which is often ignored)?

Here are 5 warning signs you’re probably not getting enough to drink:

  1. Urination frequency is less frequent than normal (< 6-8 times per day).
  2. Urine color is dark (instead of pale) yellow.
  3. Eyes feel dry/scratchy
  4. Headaches or light-headedness
  5. Muscle cramps (especially in the lower legs)

If you notice yourself (or your child, or elderly parent) suffering with one or more of these symptoms, increase your/their fluid intake until their urination frequency and color returns to normal.

That said, drinking sugary or caffeinated beverages will not help to rehydrate you. They often have the exact opposite effect! I don’t know about you, but I often need to be enticed to drink plain water or sparking water. Here’s a tip: Fill a clear pitcher with water and add cut up strawberries, cucumbers, crushed mint leaves, pineapple pieces, or orange slices. Visually it’s more appealing and the additional fresh flavor(s) will keep you and your loved ones coming back, time and time again—and isn’t that just the best way to stay happily hydrated?