my profession…
Lisa Morrone is a physical therapist, professor, author, and speaker who encourages people to Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake. Lisa’s can-do instruction will empower you to:
- Invest in your health now to enjoy every stage of life.
- Maintain proper focus and fitness to maximize your calling.
- Increase your lifespan by 7-15 years!
Lisa’s expertise in the subjects of resolving physical pain, overcoming overeating, protecting against and reversing diabetes, brain aging, and other life-robbing diseases has been developed throughout her 30+ years in the healthcare field. Her latest book, Get Healthy For Heaven’s Sake! equips people to feel and look younger by caring for their bodies which allows them to live long and serve strong right on through their sunset years! Other resources written by Lisa include:
- Overcoming Back and Neck Pain
- Overcoming Headaches and Migraines
- Overcoming Overeating: It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What Eats You
- Diabetes: Are You At Risk?
- Sleep Well Again
National and international print, internet, television, and radio programs have sought out Lisa’s wisdom and practical advice to help their audiences regain the pain-free life they used to enjoy, break their unhealthy cycle of fixating on food, or rein in runaway blood sugar with diet and exercise. In addition to giving over 100 radio interviews and being a regular guest/health expert on both Moody Radio and Faith Radio syndicated stations, Lisa has written numerous articles for the P31Woman magazine and the Proverbs 31 Ministries website, Living Better at 50+ online magazine, and is a regular contributing writer for Girlfriends in God online devotionals. Lisa has been interviewed on Time Warner’s Christian Momlogic, has appeared on CBN’s nationally syndicated bro
adcast, The 700 Club, and Nationally Syndicated Christian TV Program, Time For Hope with Dr. Freda Crews.
In 1989, Lisa graduated magna cum laud from the physical therapy program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. One year later, in addition to patient treatment, she began serving as Adjunct Professor in the entry level and post-professional doctorate programs for Physical Therapy at Touro College, NY where she continued to teach through 2017. Presently Lisa owns her own private practice, specializing in the field of orthopedic, manual (hands-on) physical therapy. She is the President and Founder of Restoring Your Temple®, a company dedicated to assisting people to age well, live long, and serve strong. Lisa is a graduate of The Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference, from both the Professional Speakers and Writers tracks.
Lisa’s passion for health and wellness–physical, emotional, and spiritual, pervades all that she does…writing, speaking, treating, and living!
me and my family…
Sharing life with my husband, Peter and watching our two adult children, Casey and Adam, develop into focused, mature and loving humans brings me extreme joy! A warm, sunny day will find me out gardening, biking or hiking in the great outdoors, or simply laying back in a lounge chair enjoying the beautiful lake view which fills my backyard. While my daughter Casey and I enjoy the girl-world of clothes shopping and discussing numerous medical and biblical topics, Adam and Peter love discussing the latest technology, fixing mechanical and electrical things, and of course, visiting the shooting range.
As a family, we have always loved biking, hiking, camping, sampling exotic menus, and traveling to faraway places–something we all continue to enjoy even though we spend most of our days living apart from one another in three distant states! Our favorite family trips have been to Zion, Bryce and the Redwoods National Parks and to Newport, RI where we toured the mansions and flew kites by the oceans’ edge.
By far, though, everyone would agree that our annual camping trips, shared with five other families, tops the vacation list!
Our family loves to mentor others. My husband and I are drawn to the 20-something crowd. My daughter, Casey, has served over 60 Freshman girls as an R.A. during her undergraduate years and again took on a mentoring role while at the University of Cincinnati Medical School were she assisted in the the development of UC’s undergrad pre-med students. Today Casey (or Dr. Casey) is an Emergency Medicine physician and Adam is working for an aerospace engineering company after having completed his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University.