The Final Curtain Call

The Final Curtain Call

Happy Monday, y’all!

The end of this month will mark the completion of thirteen years of this cherished ministry endeavor to equip you to Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake!

Today I must inform you that this will be my final month of writing and sending you my Monday Morning Health Tips. What began as a suggestion from a marketing guy back in 2008—when I began authoring and publishing books with Harvest House Publishers—became a personally pursued (and privately funded) ministry endeavor.  Each and every month I joyfully offered my knowledge, insights, and finances in this way, because I felt led by the Lord to come alongside those who chose to join me in maintaining a body prepared for lifetime of service.

In addition to the hundreds of hours I’ve spent writing, formatting, and publishing these health tips over these years, this month I will have reached an out-of-pocket expense (offering) of $10,000. I am so glad the Lord has made these funds available, year after year, so I could bless each of you in this unique way. Now it’s time in my life to downshift from certain ministry responsibilities so I can serve Jesus in some new capacities—and still maintain the “margin” I have so often championed.

I recall, early on in this endeavor, when my cousin—who’s been employed in the Christian publishing industry for decades—told me a successful “open rate,” when an emailed newsletter is sent to its subscribers, was about 20%. You all have been THE BEST supporters and encouragers, as week after week, month after month, my “open rate” continued to climb. These days, upwards of 60% of you dedicated readers open, read, and digest the healthy morsels I send to your inbox.

Over the years, many of you have written me encouraging emails, asked me related questions, added some helpful clarification or suggestions. One woman even wrote to thank me for saving the life of her husband by prompting a special medical test be pursed!

What can I say? The Lord has blessed me with you and you with me—exactly the way His Kingdom on earth is supposed to function. But now, I feel His confirmation to put a final “period” at the end of my health blogging.

Please enjoy this concluding month of Monday Morning Health Tips I’m sending your way. All previously written Monday Morning Health Tips will continue to be available on my website, Each of my books (hard copy and electronic) are still available for purchase on And hey, I’d still love to hear from you, whether it’s your first time writing to me or your fourteenth! (

It’s been a privilege and an honor to journey alongside you as together we endeavored to Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake! Lisa

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