Arnica Gel for What Ails You

Arnica Gel for What Ails You

I honestly don’t recall the first time Arnica gel and I were introduced. Likely a natural remedy-type patient of mine made the introduction. All I know is that we’ve been steady friends ever since!

This over-the-counter ointment, which can be found in leading drug stores, is made from the flower heads of the mountain daisy, Arnica montana—yes, cue the Sound of Music track. Arica gel is a clear, water-based product, packaged in a tube, which goes on smoothly and doesn’t dry sticky or leave an oily residue. It simply disappears into your skin to do its job.

What job is that? you might ask. Well, there are TWO main benefits to using this gel. First, it’s marketed as a help for achy, stiff muscles. I have used it on my own such aches and pains and have found it to be surprisingly effective. Second, it can be employed to speed up the healing from internal, surface bleeding, such as is the case with traumatic bruising, or post-surgical bleeding (think wisdom teeth extraction to total knee replacement). I once suggested to a patient of mine to try it on his black-and-blue torn hamstring muscle, and all the darkened blood faded away 2-3x faster than I’ve seen happen without such an intervention.

Recently, a patient of mine came in with her hand bandaged from a burn. She told me she applied Arnica gel to the burn and the pain was significantly diminished. That use scenario was a first for me, but not such a far application stretch as the product’s website states:

“…temporarily relieves muscle pain and stiffness due to minor injuries, overexertion, and falls; reduces pain, swelling, and discoloration from bruises.”

So, my suggestion is that you pick up some natural Arnica gel to have on hand for the next time you find yourself bruised, and/or feeling achy and stiff. The tube should only set you back about $10-$12 for 2.5 ounces—and, you’ll find that a little will spread a long, long way.

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