Protect Your Brain from Hard Knocks

Protect Your Brain from Hard Knocks

Ah, finally, the weather is beginning to warm up. Many of us will be heading out and about for some post-winter hibernation fun! Enjoy, but just don’t forget to use (and protect) your head.

Last year 1.7 million Americans suffered a traumatic brain injury. Seventy-five percent of those injuries (concussions) were said to have been on the “mild” side—though no concussion is truly “mild.” When multiple concussion-delivering blows to the head are experienced throughout one’s lifetime, victims can suffer from chronic headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, depression, early dementia, and even be driven to commit suicide as a result of these cumulative, “mild” insults.

Your brain is actually a very soft, delicate organ which is encased in a very hard shell—your skull. Sounds good so far; but when you realize that the inside of your “brain case” is lined with many sharp, bony points, you begin to understand the grave danger your mental muscle faces when violently jostled about in such an unforgiving environment.

Here are some wise steps you can take to protect your brain (or your child’s brain) from “unnecessary roughness:”

Choose your sport wisely— Recent studies have found that, next to football players, female soccer players experience the greatest number of head injuries among young people. Please consider the risk to yourself (or to your child) when you sign up for one of these highly competitive contact sports and decide accordingly.

Always wear your seatbelt—Before you put your car in drive, when you hop in the back of an Uber, or when you are on a touring bus make sure you buckle up for better brain health. Your brain is no match for your dashboard, windshield, or the hard seat in front of you.

Don’t ride or glide without a helmet—Many years ago I lost a 20-year-old patient of mine to a skateboarding/head trauma accident. He chose not to wear a helmet. Too many needless deaths or cases of permanent brain damage result from neglecting to use head gear. Please, for the sake of your brain and your life, use a secured, well-fitting helmet when you’re recreating on wheels or blades.

 Use caution when diving—Never dive into a body of water without knowing for sure how deep it is! The depth of water considered safe for headlong diving is nine feet.

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