Purchasing Exercise Equipment for Home

Purchasing Exercise Equipment for Home

Just you wait and see, come January 1st advertisements for shiny, new exercise equipment will begin to appear—everywhere! And because it’s the beginning of a new year, you might genuinely promise yourself that this year you’ll make the effort to exercise more regularly. You might be right to reason that it would be much easier to comply with your resolution if a stationary bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer was under the same roof as you are—especially if all the gyms get closed down again! Plus, think of all the money you’d save if you didn’t have to pay for a monthly gym membership.

So, off to the store you go; you, your good intentions, your wallet, and your mask (grrr). When you return, your vehicle is heavier and your wallet a lot lighter. But you’re super motivated, because soon, you dream, you will be lighter, too!

Fast forward to March 2021. The shiny new exercise “thing” you brought home to live with you back in January now has a coat of dust on it and maybe even a winter coat slung over it! What went wrong? Let’s assess.

First, you must know yourself. If you’re like me, you need people nearby to keep you regularly motivated—even if you never talk to them. For these types, a gym, class, or group setting works best, even if it must be virtual for a time. All your best intentions and cost analysis evidence won’t change this fact. So, put your money where your workout WILL happen and ignore the shiny, home equipment advertisements.

Next, for those who trust you will be committed to home-based work outs, I suggest you invest in a piece of equipment you’ve already used before, and know you’ll enjoy using into the future. And do “try it on for size”. Never buy a piece of equipment you cannot “test drive” in the store. For example, not all elliptical trainers are “created” equal. I must have tried seven different brands before I found one that had a comfortable fit/feel for me.

Finally, consider Craig’s List, Facebook Marketplace, or other secondhand sites to purchase barely used exercise equipment—from other people who began an earlier year with the same good intentions, haha!

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