A Gift Selfie

A Gift Selfie

The month of December has many of us gathering and wrapping gifts at a break-neck speed. Amidst this “present frenzy” we often forget about ourselves because we are so focused on blessing others. While blessing others is always a good thing, would you be willing to take a focused moment to think about gifting yourself today?

If you’re honest, there’s likely one thing you’ve been longing for in recent years; one thing that only YOU can give yourself: The Gift of Health. I know this idea might sound a bit cliche, but I sincerely believe that a health-filled present, loving offered (by you) and gratefully accepted (by you), will turn out to be the most valuable gift you’ve ever received.

The first way to gift yourself with health is to make a commitment to routine maintenance—the scheduling of necessary doctor appointments and check-ups. Every illness, disease, and disability is best treated when caught early on. So, do yourself a “solid.” Pick up the phone and schedule your appointment with your primary care physician, gynecologist, radiologist, cardiologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist—whichever medical professionals you know you should be seen by.

Add to this “gift selfie” by making a commitment to sleep 7-8 hours each night. This will do your body and mind a world of good. Studies show it will increase your longevity, add protection against workplace and motor vehicle accidents, and can even help you to lose weight!

Another facet of your self-directed gift of health is a steady fueling of good-for-you foodstuffs. Eat a rainbow, eat some roughage, eat raw, eat unprocessed. By doing so you’ll rejuvenate yourself from the inside out! Remember, you can’t be healthy if you don’t eat healthy.

Finally, incorporate purposeful movement (a.k.a. exercise) into your week. Studies continue to confirm that regular exercise works to cure most every disease—from dementia to diabetes. Personally, I have to keep my mind focused on something greater than my own physical benefits when it comes to being consistent in this area. I need to remember that 150 minutes/week of purposeful movement is both an act of worship and a sacrifice of praise to my Maker.

This holiday, bless your own socks off by giving yourself the gift of health. You may not be able to wrap it, but you can certainly take it to the bank!

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