Ten Years of Monday Morning Health Tips!

TEN YEARS of Monday Morning Health Tips!

Good day, my friends!

A Long Island, NY friend of mine had a Facebook memory post come up on her news feed from 10 YEARS AGO. It reminded her that she had shared my announcement for the launch of my new Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake website, which included my very first Monday Morning Health Tip.


Since September 2010, the Lord has given me the privilege of sharing weekly health advice with well over 4,000 subscribers! For that I am thrilled, honored, and quite frankly, humbled. You see, writing—anything—was never my idea. I did it out of obedience to the Holy Spirit’s clear direction. My spirit was more than a bit reluctant, reminding the Lord that I was a biology major/physical therapist and NOT a writer. He saw fit to equip me otherwise.

Worldwide, radio hosts have shared my books, messages, and informational tips to tens of thousands of listeners.  I have received individual testimonies of literal lives saved because of a particular health tip as well as many, many emails of gratitude and encouragement. My spiritual gift is encouragement, so it comes naturally for me to seek to “fan the flames” of your personal health pursuit week after week. My goal is that, as far as it depends on us, we each AGE WELL, LIVE LONG and SERVE (Our King) LONG!

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey. We’ve likely got a long way still to go. I’ll meet you someday at the finish line, laurel wreath crown in hand, ready to cast at the feet of our Savior. May we each hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Until that day, let us stay on task of GETting, and keeping ourselves, HEALTHY FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!

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