How Low Can “T” Go?

How Low Can “T” Go?

It’s June, and do you know what that means? Why, it’s MEN’S HEALTH MONTH! So, let’s take this opportunity to discuss a topic which doesn’t get near enough press: Low testosterone.

Ladies, is your man’s hair thinning while his middle is thickening? Have you noticed him becoming grumpier and less motivated in recent months?

Men, has your ability to focus declined, along with your libido? Are your muscles taking a longer time to recover after heavy labor or strenuous exercise?

What many people simply chalk up to the “normal aging process” can actually be due to a significant decline in the production of the critical male hormone, testosterone.

Now while it’s true a man’s production of this hormone wanes some with aging (just as a woman’s estrogen production slows), a sharp decline can really bring some unwelcomed physical changes. In addition to the features I mentioned above, lower-than-normal testosterone carries with it these other signs and symptoms: a decline in energy levels, decreased bone and muscle strength, sleep disturbances, and sexual dysfunction (difficulty obtaining, or maintaining, an erection).

Normal testosterone levels should range between 300 and 1200 (ng/dl). Unfortunately, it’s been estimated that 10-25% of men over the age of 50 have low testosterone (< 300). However, it’s even possible—though less common—for a man’s level to drop below 300 long before the age of 50, so keep that in mind if you feel your symptoms match up with those of “Low T”.

A simple blood test is used to determine your testosterone level, and if it’s found lacking, you will be advised by your physician to begin hormone replacement therapy. This straight forward intervention usually begins, in office, with an intramuscular injection of testosterone—if you are very deficient—followed by a prescription for a transdermal (through the skin) testosterone gel which you’ll apply to your shoulders, upper arms, or abdomen daily.

This problem of “Low T”, while quite life-altering and largely undiagnosed, once detected, is very easily amended. If you or your loved one is exhibiting some of these telltale signs, do schedule an appointment with your medical doctor. Better, brighter, stronger (and hairier days) are ahead!

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