The ABC’s of Zzzz’s

There are many reasons why sleeping may be a challenging “sport” for you. Some people wake periodically throughout the night, others wake in the early morning (before their alarm even has a chance to ring), and still others have trouble turning off their day and transitioning into the night. If you happen to struggle with the later challenge, difficulty falling asleep, may I suggest an A to Zzzz approach to the matter?
A-ctivity– You need to have a “ramping down” period before your head hits the pillow each night. Frenzied activity right up the time of bed will leave you with your heart pumping and your adrenalin flowing—not the best pre-sleep conditions! Additionally, if you use your bedroom exclusively for sleep (not paperwork, internet surfing, or television watching), your body will be more conditioned to anticipate sleep when you enter.
B-edding–It is important that your body is well supported for sleep. This means replacing your traditional mattress older than ten years and making sure the pillow you use under your head is fluffy enough to lift your head to the point where the bridge of your nose is aligned with your breastbone.
C-ool temperature– If your bedroom is too hot, your body will not be able to drop its internal temperature to the point which best induces sound sleep. The target room temperature range is between 65-72˚ F.
D-ark– If you desire to fall asleep with greater ease, you must begin to lower the lights in your surrounding area an hour before you go to bed. Darkness prompts melatonin production which brings on that sleepy feeling. And make sure there are no other lights shining on the back of your eyelids while you sleep, such as a glowing T.V. screen, ambient light from outdoors, a night light, or a bright alarm clock.
E-xit time– Throughout the week it is best that you maintain the same exit strategy, or bedtime schedule. Staying up very late on the weekends will confuse your internal biological clock making it more difficult to fall asleep during the work week—when you really need to sleep well!