Be Nice to Your Aching Jaw

Be Nice to Your Aching Jaw

Back in the 1980’s and early 90’s many people complaining of jaw pain/jaw joint clicking were diagnosed by their dentist/doctor with “TMJ”. And that’s how this popularized misnomer began. The technical truth is, everyone has TMJ—or temporal mandibular joints—one on either end of their jaw bones (located approximately 1 cm below, and slightly in front of, their ear canals).

Today, the diagnosis has been more accurately termed TMD, or temporal mandibular disorder. And while the “popularity” of this diagnosis/intervention has diminished (primarily because insurance companies put an end to paying for expensive and ineffective treatments), there are still people today who continue to suffer with this painful condition.

Those who struggle with chronic pain in their jaw muscles and joints—which might also be accompanied by ringing or stuffiness in their ears—have likely discovered that, in today’s insurance world, there aren’t many reimbursable treatment options available. In light of this, I’d like to offer some practical help.

Because most jaw pain is caused by jaw joints which are mechanically “sloppy”, nearly three decades ago I authored a TMD Home Program which is considered the standard of treatment for TMJ Hypermobility by the American Physical Therapy Association. My self-treatment program includes postural, mechanical, and neuromuscular exercises to restore balance in, and around, the joints of the jaw. You can download this Free Resource from my website:

A final word of advice—When your jaw is aching, excessive chewing or talking will flare it up, just as walking on a sprained ankle would increase your pain. Here’s a list of foods you should most definitely avoid until your symptoms settle down:

  • salad
  • raw/dense fruits and veggies
  • steaks
  • salads
  • bagels
  • potato-like chips
  • chewing gum

If your pain level is particularly high, try going on a soft food diet for a week. Stick to soups, oatmeal, pasta, tuna salad, scrambled eggs, etc.

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