Up In Smoke

Cigarette-smokingUp In Smoke

Last year my husband and I moved to the beautiful state of Virginia. We now live on the shores of a moderately sized lake. On certain mornings, when the air is cooler than the temperature of the lake, “smoke” will form across the surface of the water and drift along like low lying clouds.

There is, however, another smoke I’ve encountered here in Virginia with much greater frequency (and dismay): cigarette smoke! I guess that’s to be expected having moved from the North down into Virginia Slims land where tobacco growing, smoking, and chewing is deeply seeped in its agricultural history.

I was seriously surprised by the number of people I’ve encountered under 40 who are addicted to nicotine. Nearly every one of the 20+ workers we employed to renovate our lake house took regular breaks throughout the day to fill their lungs with smoke.

Now, I know these smokers are fully aware of the lung cancer risk involved with tobacco use. (My mom was, and she smoked from the age of 16 to 70 when she died of lung cancer.) Also, they must have been educated somewhere along the way as to smoking’s impact on their cardiovascular system, leading to heart attacks and strokes (brain attacks). If so, I must assume they have just adopted an, “Oh, well, everyone’s gonna die from something!” attitude.

The problem, however, is not will you eventually die like everyone else—that’s a given—it’s WHEN you’re going to die and HOW much suffering you’ll have brought upon yourself up to the point of your demise. FACT: Male smokers die 12 years earlier than non-smokers, on average, and females, 11 years earlier. That’s cause for a pause (and immediate cessation) right there!

Smoking can also compound the complications associated with diabetes, such as blindness and diminished circulation which can lead to amputations. Lungs don’t just get cancer, they can “seize up” with emphysema or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Other health concerns in the mix are erectile dysfunction, gum disease leading to tooth loss, colorectal cancer, hip fractures…basically, your entire wellbeing goes up in smoke!

So much health is lost and years of life forfeited because of smoking, if this is your vice, you MUST find a way to stop! Please don’t be cavalier with your life. You were created on purpose, for a purpose. Make sure you do everything you can in 2019 to Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake.

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