Get Ready for a Good Night’s Sleep

man sleepingGet Ready for a Good Night’s Sleep

I hear it all the time—people complaining about the awful time they have trying to falling asleep at night. Their problem is quickly blamed on the fact they can’t shift their minds out of overdrive, so their bodies struggle to settle down. So, there they lie, tossing and turning for an hour or more, in dire need of shut eye, yet sleep eludes them.

Life for many of us is so jam packed we stay occupied right up until our bedtimes. If you’re still doing laundry, bills, and other tasks late into the night, or worse yet you find yourself climbing into your bed with your laptop—no wonder you can’t settle down when you finally turn off the lights!

If it’s your desire to fall asleep quickly and rest well throughout the night you must create an environment conducive to sleep. Here is a list of helpful ways to ready yourself to receive the wonderful gift of sleep:

  1. Ban TV and computer usage from the bedroom one hour prior to bedtime.
  2. Do not think about or discuss stressful subjects before bed.
  3. Keep your bedroom on the cool side (65-72˚ F) as this helps the body to settle into its sleep stages.
  4. Seven to eight hours before you need to be up in the morning should become “lights out” time—the darker the room, the easier it is to fall asleep.
  5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol after 4pm.
  6. Do not take antihistamines before bed. These can act as stimulants and disturb your sleep cycle.
  7. Finally, your sleeping surface should entice sleep. Invest in a new mattress if yours is over ten years old, and a new pillow if yours is over 4 years old.

Tomorrow begins tonight. Make it a good day by setting yourself up for a good night.

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