Has Your Computer Become A Pain In The Neck?

computer neck painHas Your Computer Become A Pain In The Neck?

Many of us spend hours sitting in front of our computer screens, by choice, or by necessity. Like it or not, computers are ubiquitous and are something, it seems, we can no longer live without!

Anytime you confine your body to a dedicated position for a prolonged period of time, it’s bound to get cranky. One of the most common complaints of my computer-using patients is that of a sore neck, which, given time, also begins to take up real estate in their shoulder blade area as well.

In order to avoid this computer-generated pain-in-the-neck you must do a “body check” to assure the best possible alignment for your head and spine—if you plan on sitting in front of your monitor or laptop for hours on end.

  • First, the upper third of your computer screen should be at eye level to prevent your head/neck from having to tip up down. If your computer screen is a fixed height, add a book under its base to raise it up, or lower your chair if you find you are looking down too much. Scroll down regularly to keep the words you are typing or reading directly in line with your eyes.
  • Next, if your vision is weakening, don’t crane your head and neck forward in order to bring the words into better focus. Instead, slide the monitor towards you. This will allow your head to remain stacked over your shoulders—where you neck is the happiest.
  • Finally, make sure your arms are supported as you type and control your mouse. This can be done by using a chair with arm rests, moving the keyboard and/or mouse down onto the pull-out shelf in your computer desk, or by resting your forearms on the edge of your desk as you use the keyboard.

By employing these ergonomic “fixes” you will protect the joints, muscles and discs in your neck so your computer time can once again become a friend instead of a foe!

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