Celebrating 8 Years of Monday Morning Health Tips!

fireworksCelebrating 8 Years of Monday Morning Health Tips!

Back in September 2010, when I hit “send” on my first Monday Morning Health Tip, I wondered who might be on the receiving end. Sure, a handful people of people who attended one of my seminars had signed up to receive my emails, but would anyone actually want to READ them? And would the information I shared be compelling enough to prompt the reader to make changes in their lifestyle which would yield a richer, more satisfying and productive existence? This was my hope. Time would tell.

Today, I am looking back over the past eight years. Thousands of you have since signed up for my Monday Morning Health Tips, having heard me on the radio, read one of my books, attended one of my seminars, or having just met me somewhere along life’s way. And a super high number of you (by industry standards) read these tips regularly. Hundreds of you have reached out to me by email—often with gratitude or a note of encouragement, sometimes with an additional question, and occasionally with a correction (for which I am also grateful!).

One particular email is well burned in memory. A female reader wrote to me a few months after I had written the “June is Men’s Health Month” article. In the article I encouraged women who loved a man who was reticent to have his annual health checkups to beg them to please, please, not put their wellbeing on the back burner. This reader took up the task and finally, after a couple months, she got her husband into his cardiologist’s office for his overdue checkup. The cardiologist ended up scheduling this man for emergency surgery the very next day to address a dangerously clogged artery, “the widow maker”, or left anterior descending artery. This reader wrote to tell me that particular Monday Morning Health Tip saved her husband’s life!

Likely your gain hasn’t been as dramatic, but I do hope (and I’ve heard from some of you) that you have improved your overall health by implementing many of the suggestions I’ve made over these many years. I sure hope you tried some of my recipes, too—cuz my personal love for eating and my desire to fuel my body responsibly has led to some extremely tasty ideas!

Thank you for joining me in this God and body-honoring journey towards Getting Healthy for Heaven’s Sake. Any trip is made better by the company of good friends, which is what I consider you to be.

Blessings to you, today and always!

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