Supplementing Your Sleep

calcium supplementSupplementing Your Sleep

Sleep can be downright elusive at times. At every stage of life, you and I can find ourselves facing sleep challenges. Job stress, personal conflicts, a child heading off to college, time zone-hopping travel, a brain full of relocation details (my present condition), or for the ladies—maturing life stages (i.e. “I used to be hot, but now it only comes in flashes!”).

Whatever is keeping you up at night, there are a number of natural (non-medicinal) supplements and sleep aids which can significantly assist you in the pursuit of a full night’s sleep.


This is a substance your body makes daily (albeit, sometimes not enough). It prompts your brain to fall asleep and then, if its quantity is sufficient, supports sleep so that you STAY asleep throughout the night. When used as a supplement, melatonin is non-addicting and really helps you to fall asleep quickly, keeping you drowsy throughout the night so that you are more likely to stay asleep. (Caution: melatonin is not recommended for children.)


One of my new favorites, this supplement is an amino acid found in green tea. Rather than making you drowsy (as is the case with melatonin), it produces a calming, anxiety-reducing effect on the mind by blocking the receptors within the brain which respond to the excitatory chemical, glutamate. Secondarily, it prompts the production of a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) GABA, which again acts to enhance relaxation. If you struggle with feeling of being “on edge” all day, this supplement can be taken day or night, since it doesn’t produce drowsiness. In fact, because it settles the mind, it has been shown to enhance focus.

Chamomile tea

This herbal tea is made from the chamomile plant which sports tiny, daisy-like flowers. Used for centuries as a mild tranquilizer and sleep inducer, it likely owes its relaxing effect on the body to a flavonoid called chrysin. (Can you see the root word for Chrysanthemum in there—sorry, word geek moment!)


Considered by physicians to be the most powerful relaxation mineral available, magnesium’s sleep enhancing effect is due to the fact that it binds to and stimulates GABA receptors within the brain. GABA is a brain chemical which “tones down” the overall excitability of your nervous system. So, magnesium magnifies, if you will, the effect of relaxation throughout your body, setting the stage for a better night’s sleep!

Nighty-night and sweet dreams, my friend!

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