Berry, Berry Interesting…

BerriesBerry, Berry Interesting…

I love all things berry—except the price of them when they are out of season! Truthfully, for years, this is what kept berries off my food shopping list during those “off season” months. A number of years ago, however, I changed my mind about laying out the extra cash to purchase these tiny morsels. Here’s why: I kept “bumping into” article after article, and study after study, which described the incredible nutritional and disease-fighting power contained in each plump berry.

Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries…they all contain tiny seeds. Within these seeds is where their Creator has stashed powerful omega 3 fatty acids. The bright colored flesh is also chock full of phytonutrients and antioxidants which, along with the omega 3’s, improve the strength of our immune systems, fight against aging (from brain to skin), and ward off life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

And so my experiment began. I keep my family supplied with one or more berries year round—and guess what? Our health markedly improved! The common cold became very uncommon in my home. Rarely did someone spike a fever. No one got the flu, came down with bronchitis, or were struck down with a stomach virus—none a one of us—for over eight years now!

When I thought about what all that down time and doctor co-pays would have cost us in time and money (not to mention the inconvenience and suffering), I realized that a few extra dollars spent on pricey berries was worth every penny!*

*If fresh berries are truly out of reach in your budget, substitute with frozen ones from your grocer’s freezer. Trader Joe’s markets sell a wonderful berry medley that includes cherries as well. I often have these on hand for when I’ve run out of fresh berries.

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