Three Wise Gifts Only You Can Give Yourself

GiftsThree Wise Gifts Only You Can Give Yourself

It’s the week before Christmas, and all the gifts you’ve carefully selected will soon be frantically wrapped for distribution. Amidst this “present frenzy” we often forget about ourselves because we are so focused on blessing others.

While blessing others is all good, would you take a focused moment to think about yourself today? You, my friend, are truly worthy of receiving a holiday gifting—to you, from you. And what is the gift that only YOU could give to yourself? Why it’s the Gift of Health, of course! This health-full package, if loving offered (by you) and gratefully accepted (by you), will likely be the most valuable gift you’ve ever received.

Gift #1: Engage in regular exercise. May I point out that you don’t HAVE to go to the gym…you GET to go to the gym. You don’t HAVE to move on purpose, you GET to move on purpose. So purchase yourself a gym membership or invest in a piece of exercise equipment…and ‘bless your heart’!

Gift #2: Tune up your temple by following a standard maintenance protocol. This requires the regular scheduling of doctor appointments and check-ups. Every illness, disease, and disability is best treated when caught early. Do yourself a “solid” and schedule your annual doctor visits and routine, age-related check-ups such as gynecological, breast, colon, prostate, eye, etc.

Gift #3: Make a commitment to sleep 7-8 hours most every night. Adequate sleep helps your body fight against the battle-of-the-bulge, dementia, and boosts your immune system, just to name a few of its many benefits. If you can wake up refreshed before your alarm clock rings, then you know you have slept well!

I love the clever Christmas saying, “Wise men still seek Him”. Well, I’d like to shamelessly borrow from that slogan and proclaim that “Wise (wo)men still seek Health!


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